Becoming A Reality
Croatian Garden to Become a Reality
"The mission of the Croatian Cultural Garden is to dedicate a garden that celebrates rich cultural achievements and contributions of the Croatian people and to endow an educational legacy for future generations."
The dedicated efforts of the late Jerome A. Brentar were recently revitalized by the Croatians in the community to establish a Croatian Cultural Garden.
The City of Cleveland has currently designated a plot of land for the Croatian Cultural Garden on historic Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in its nationally recognized Rockefeller Park. This will be the first garden of its kind in the United States and Canada to celebrate the contributions of the Croatian people and to serve as a visible symbol of Croatia’s rich heritage. The successful completion of the garden is dependent on the contributions made by you, our local and national Croatian Community and friends.
The Cultural Gardens of Cleveland, within Rockefeller Park, consists of 27 ethnic gardens. The gardens were first dedicated over 75 years ago with the goal of recognizing the immense value of cultural diversity by portraying the customs, beliefs and traditions of the nations represented. We Croatians, will finally have the opportunity to exhibit our significant contributions with a groundbreaking scheduled in the spring of 2010.
"Naša namjera je da ovaj vrt bude namijejen kulturnim dostignucima i doprinosima Hrvatskog naroda, kao i poklon kulturne bastine buducim generacijama."
Uporan trud pok. Jerome A. Brentara je nedavno obnovljen od jednog hrvatskog dobrotvora koji je ponovno pokrenuo osnutak Hrvatskog Kulturnog Vrta.
Grad Cleveland je odredio parcelu zemlje za Hrvatski Vrt u historijskom Martin Luther King Dr. i u nacionalno poznatom Rockefeller Parku. Ovo ce biti prvi vrt u Sjedinjenim Americkim Drzavama i Kanadi koji ce predstaviti doprinos Hrvatskog naroda svjetkoj kulturi u ovom parku. Uspjesan zavrsetak tog projekta ovisi o doprinosima nasih hrvatskih zajednica, lokalnim i diljem svijeta.
Kulturni Vrtovi Clevelanda u sklopu Rockefellerovog Parka sastoje se od 27 etnickih vrtova. Prvi vrtovi su ustanovljeni prije 75 godina sa ciljem da se prikaze ogromna vrijednost kulturne raz-novrsnosti prikazujuci razne obicaje, vjerovanja i tradiciju prikazanih naroda. Konacno ce i Hrvati imati priliku prikazati svoju bogatu kulturnu bastinu. Zapoceti radovi su planirani za pocetak proljeca 2010.
— By Croatian Cultural Garden Committee on April 3rd, 2009